Hello everyone!
Today in this post I explain you how I made the christmasballs show to you in these days,I translate what I write on the yellow pages from italian...I have publish this even on my facebook and Istagram profiles!!! Of course you can try to build your christmasball follow my steps! Good reading and have fun!

Create a Christmasball by yourself

STEP 1: Newspapers

STEP 2: Crumple the newspaper until you get a ball

STEP 3 : Wrap the ball in aluminum foil (twice) and then round it by flattening the sides until it becomes round.

STEP 4: Choose the glues to use (vinyl or quick-setting)

STEP 5: Do you have nut shells? You can clean them and then crush them, then spread the glue on the ball and glue the pieces one at a time like you do with a puzzle or the pieces of a mosaic.

STEP 6: This is what the ball should look like after drying.

STEP 7: Do you have caps on glass bottles of orange juice, beer, coke, water or etc? You can use them to decorate the ball, spread the Pattex quick-setting glue with your fingers and put the caps on. You decide whether to make them in all colors or a single color
Furthermore,once the glue has dried you can also paint ita to contrast with the colors of the caps or leave them normal like under here!

STEP 8: Make holes for the hook to hang the ball, before applying the glue remember to drill a hole in the top of the ball with the help of a nail or a pointed knife (if there are children, do it yourself for them and pay attention)

STEP 9: Choose the material with which to make the hook, you can choose between string or wire (if you have wire pliers). After creating it, insert it into the holes of the ball and seal with vinyl glue.

STEP 10: Paint the ball with walnut shells. Once the ball with the walnut pieces has dried, paint it with tempera or acrylic colours, choose whether to make it natural or paint Christmas landscapes or Christmas-themed animals on it (for example reindeer, penguin).

That's all! May the force of creativity always be with you! Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!